Jared's - Mapua Fruit and Vege (4 cards)
4 folded note cards, A6
(A5 when unfolded)
Price: NZ$26
– 4 cards
– 4 envelopes C6
– shipping & handling within New Zealand
For international shipping charges and other inquiries please contact the artist.
Enjoy 4 cards of Jared’s fabulous fruit and veggie shop in Mapua.
Please contact the seller if you prefer a different combination of 4 cards (for example: 3 x “Jared’s Mapua Fruit and Vege” + 1 x “Java Hut”). A4 prints are also available from this website.
The size of the folded cards is A6 and unfolded A5. They are done through digital prints on 260gsm Crescendo card with coated exterior and matte interior. Each card and envelope are protected by a plastic sleeve.
The price for any combination of four cards is $26 (shipping within New Zealand included). Please contact the artist with your preferred combination of cards.