Plein Air Painting, 20th May 2020, Isel Park, Stoke
Not all meetings can go ahead during Covid 19 Level 2 but after discussing it with several plein air painters we decided that plein air painting can be scheduled. We are not considered a public gathering since we are all spread out, painting in individual spaces outside in the park. Obviously, Covid 19 rules have to be observed, which means two meters distance from each other and staying at home if you feel unwell. Also, it is recommended to cough and sneeze into your elbow. Since we are not touching each others equipment or sharing a space everybody can bring their own sanitiser as they see fit. However, I do understand if many of you decide to stay at home for safety reasons.
Long story short, during these unusual times I’m inviting the plein air painters to meet on 20th May 2020, 10am, at Isel Park, 16 Hilliard St, Stoke, Nelson. Isel Park offers a historic building/museum and gorgeous gardens with trees and flowers. If we are lucky, we can still enjoy the autumn leaves. Please bring your painting supplies, a chair, bug spray, sun screen, morning tea/lunch and good weather.
Usually we wouldn’t meet at the third Wednesday of the month since it is booked for Creative Day. However, Creative Day had to be cancelled due to Level 2 lockdown rules. So why not take advantage of the good weather and paint outside. Plein Air Painting will go ahead until the first week in June and recommence in October.
If you have any suggestions on where to go for plein air, please let me know and I will include it in the list.