Plein Air Painting, 13th April 2022, Monaco Peninsula
Meet us for plein air painting on Wednesday, 13th April 2022, 10am, at the Castle which is all the way at the end of the peninsula. The morning will start with high tide and. By about 2pm we will have low tide. We will be able to paint the view to Mount Arthur and maybe even boats on anchor.
Please bring your painting supplies, a chair, bug spray, sun screen, morning tea/lunch, and good weather.
If you have any suggestions on where to go for plein air, please let me know and I will include it in the list.
Suggestions were Silvan (27/04) and Gravity Winery and Cellar Doors.
Plein air is scheduled for every Wednesday morning, except the 3rd Wednesday of the month. Please contact me if you like regular updates by email.