Plein Air Painting, 3rd May 2023, Gravity Winery, Mahana
Meet us for plein air painting on Wednesday, 3rd May 2023, 10am, at Gravity Winery, 243 Old Coach Road. Gravity Winery offers views over the vineyard and the Nelson Bay towards the Richmond hills. Currently the colours of the vineyards are changing to a stunning yellow which are offset by the blue ocean in the background. Hopefully it will still be that beautiful by Wednesday. The winery/restaurant knows that we coming and is happy for us to paint on the lawns and the vineyards. If you want to paint closer to the wine cellar it is recommended to ask if your specific location is ok and doesn’t get in the way of the workers. Tea, coffee and lunch (delicious) can be purchased at the restaurant.
Please bring your painting supplies, a chair, bug spray, sun screen, and good weather.
If you have any suggestions on where to go for plein air, please let me know and I will include it in the list. Coming up next is Branford Park, Nelson.
Plein air is scheduled for every Wednesday morning, except the 3rd Wednesday of the month. Please contact me if you like regular updates by email.