Plein Air Painting, 27th November 2024, Oaklands Homestead, Stoke
Plein Air Painting, 27th November 2024, Oaklands Homestead, Stoke
Let’s try it again and hopefully the weather will be more accomodating this time.
Meet us on Wednesday, 27th November 2024, 10am, at the Oaklands Homestead, 467 Suffolk Road, Stoke. This is the link to the map for further directions. (If the link doesn’t work on your social media site you can open it from my website, https://www.nicolerussellart.com/journal/.)
Follow the yellow road until you arrive at an old double storey house with a purple slate roof. You will find lots of parking up behind the house. Just follow the road up the side of the house to the back.
The inside of the house will not be available for us. This also means that if you need to use the toilets please go to Saxton field or Bunnings.
Please bring your painting supplies, a chair, bug spray, sun screen, morning tea/lunch and good weather.
Plein air is scheduled for every Wednesday morning, except the 3rd Wednesday of the month.
Check us out on Facebook @ Plein Air Painting Nelson Tasman
Please let me know if you have any suggestions on where to go for plein air painting. Also, please reach out if you like to car pool to any of our locations.
For regular updates on plein air painting contact [email protected].